Saturday, October 2, 2010

Peer Pressure

Drunk kids are bullies. I was informed last night that I am the last of my college friends to have a blog.  The people who called me will remain anonymous, but they may or may not be living in the DC area and planning a wedding. Basically, they informed me that I suck at life and need to keep in touch better and visit more. All of this I already knew. The visiting more is hard.  Unfortunately, I never seem to have enough weekends in the year to get everywhere I want. However, I have discovered (very recently) that following some of their blogs gives me a little warm fuzzy feeling of college memories and their shiny personalities. Perhaps I could venture into the scary blog world as apparently they are interested in what is going on in my life. I assure you, it is not as intriguing or luxurious as you think.  

Kristin's Blog Rules:
1. I make no promises on how often I will post. Just ask my college roommate, I have always written as little as I could get away with. 
2. While I am a stickler for correct spelling, I am not an English major. I make no promises on my grammar. I will end sentences with prepositions.
3. I have no original ideas, therefore I will steal from others blog posts.

To those attempting to read my posts or follow me - good luck. Feel free to give helpful suggestions as I am a blog virgin and rather computer illiterate.  Most importantly, I hope my posts make you smile.


  1. Everything about this is you. From the medical-y title to the wine background. well done and welcome to the blogosphere!
